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Toronto universities Town Hall for faculty, students & staff on Austerity & Ontario's Universities --please circulate widely

Dear Colleagues:


We are pleased to announce that the upcoming Toronto universities Town Hall Meeting, "Austerity and Ontario's Universities: Finding a way forward" will be accessible via live webcast on Wednesday. March 27, from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. 

For those associations who have not already held a town hall meeting and would like to do, this will be an excellent opportunity to view an education and mobilization event on the issue of austerity and universities.

We encourage you to join us and to begin thinking about what might be possible on your campus.

Could you also please share this notice with your networks:

Austerity and Ontario's Universities: Finding a way forward
A joint Town Hall Meeting for University of Toronto, York, Ryerson and OCADU faculty, students and staff.

Wednesday March 27, 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.

University of Toronto: OISE Auditorium
(252 Bloor St. West, Toronto)




JOHN SHIELDS : Professor, Department of Politics & Public Administration, Ryerson University

FAIZ AHMED : Chair, Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) Local 3903, York University

CAROLYN HIBBS : President, York University Graduate Students' Association (YUGSA)

SARAH JAYNE KING : Chairperson,  Canadian Federation of Students - Ontario (CFS)

PAUL TSANG : President, United Steelworkers (USW) Local 1998, University of Toronto

CHARLES REEVE : President, Ontario College of Art and Design Faculty Association (OCADFA)

...and moderator, LUC TREMBLAY : VP of University & External Affairs, University of Toronto Faculty Association (UTFA)

Event Details:

“Government austerity”— the aggressive program of public sector cutbacks and belt-tightening that governments claim is the only cure for these “tough economic times”-- has been frequently cited as the provincial policy responsible for the eroding quality and accessibility of higher education. But the reality is that public funding of higher education has been in decline for some time now, with serious implications for university faculty, students, staff and society in general. It’s an issue that affects all of us in different ways.

This event aims to bring together students, faculty and staff from Toronto's four universities to discuss the issues, share their insights, and start working together towards solutions.

Discussion topics include:

    • Government austerity, alternatives to austerity, and the government's disinvestment from funding higher education.
    • The financial situation of universities in Toronto and the impact of university administrations' spending priorities on the quality and accessibility of higher education, and on staff, students and faculty.
    • The changing mission, role and workings of the university and its impact on the nature and quality of higher education, and its impact on educators, students, and society more generally.
    • The shift in financing of university operations from the government to students, and the immediate and long-term impacts this has on students, their families, and the broader community.

Please join us.


Best regards,
Mark Rosenfeld, Ph.D
Executive Director
Ontario Confederation of University Faculty Associations
83 Yonge Street, Suite 300
Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5C 1S8
Tel: 416-979-2117 x229
Fax: 416-593-5607
E-mail: [email protected]

Faculty Association at 11:05 AM
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