Through democratic representation the University of Guelph Faculty Association strives to be a strong voice for our members in all aspects of academic and professional life.
UGFA is a respected and cherished organization with a long history of effectively representing the interests of Guelph faculty and librarians, who are the intellectual core of the University. UGFA provides recognized leadership in the operation of the University of Guelph. It is vigilant in defending its members’ rights and proactive in identifying threats to their academic freedom. UGFA also educates faculty on their responsibilities to the institution and to society. Our members rely on UGFA to provide mentoring and support for their career development. In this role, UGFA contributes to individual quality of life and to the collective success of the University as an academic institution. UGFA is also strongly committed to the well-being of our retirees.
All faculty members and librarians at Guelph belong to UGFA and participate in its activities. Their involvement starts even before they are hired, with UGFA informing prospective faculty about the University and answering their questions, both academic and otherwise. UGFA helps to make Guelph a welcoming environment, embracing the diversity of our community.
Operating out of UGFA House on the campus, a core group of professional staff administers the organization in an energetic and cooperative manner, working in concert with the democratically-elected UGFA Executive and Council. In dealing with the University Administration, UGFA is strong, effective, resourceful, and collegial, both groups appreciating the value of our open and transparent dialogue. The Administration welcomes UGFA’s advice, knowing that the Association is a repository of wisdom about the workings and the culture of the University. We cooperate with the bodies representing Guelph’s other employee, student, and community groups. UGFA is an eloquent voice speaking for the faculty on the local and national scenes.