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Information for Potential Faculty, Librarians & Veterinarians

The hiring process at the University of Guelph must meet the requirements set out in the Collective Agreement between the University of Guelph and UGFA. The University also publishes a set of guidelines to supplement the Collective Agreement in the hiring process.

Here are the answers to some of the most frequently asked questions we receive:



Can I negotiate my starting salary?

Yes! You can and should negotiate your starting salary. On behalf of our Members, the UGFA also negotiates a minimum salary (salary floors) for our Members. In the current Collective Agreement which expires June 30, 2014, the salary floors for Faculty, Librarians and Veterinarian members are as follows:
 Rank 2014/2015 2012/2016 2016/2017
 Professor/Veterinarian   $94,852  $96,749  $98,684
 Associate Professor/Veterinarian  $87,115  $88,857  $90,635
 Assistant Professor/Veterinarian  $82,388  $84,036  $85,717
 Librarian  $79,951  $81,550  $83,181
 Associate Librarian  $71.434  $72,862  $74,320
 Assistant Librarian  $66,231  $67,555  $68,906

CAUT has also published a handbook with suggestions on what to consider, and ask about, if you are negotiating an offer for an academic job. Additionally, the Faculty Association can provide you with information on average salaries at the University.
CAUT Handbook for New Faculty


Should past service count towards my first study/research leave?

Yes! However, this is something that must be negotiated along with your starting salary.



Can I negotiate for research funding when negotiating my contract?

Yes! Again, this is something which must be negotiated along with your starting salary.



Will the University help pay for my moving expenses?

Yes! For more information see the University's Policy on Relocation Assistance.



What sort of information will my appointment letter contain?

Your appointment letter will resemble one of these template letters. Many of the terms in this letter may be negotiated. If you are unsure of something in your appointment letter please feel to contact the Faculty Association for advice.





(last updated September 20, 2011)