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18.00    Standing Committees

18.01    There shall be three (3) Standing Committees of the Council as follows:


(a)    Economics & Benefits;
(b)    Academic Freedom; and
(c)    Health and Safety


The Chairs of these standing committees shall report to both Executive and Council.

The Standing Committees shall consist of a Chair and eight (8) other Members of the Association.  These Committees shall have such duties and powers as may be assigned to them by Council.

18.02    The Chairs of the Standing Committees shall be elected by the Membership of this Association for a term of two (2) years and shall be eligible for re-election.  In the temporary absence of the Chair of a Standing Committee, a Chair pro tem shall be elected by and from the Membership of the Committee.  Should the Chair of a Standing Committee be unable to complete the term of office, a by-election shall be held for the position of Chair of said Committee for the remainder of the term.

18.03    The Eight (8) Members of each Standing Committee shall be appointed by Council from those nominated by the Chair of the respective committees.  There shall be one Member from each constituency.  Members of the Standing Committee shall be for a one (1) year term and a Member may be re-appointed for subsequent terms.  Each Standing Committee may, at its discretion, admit alternate or additional Members from the Membership of the Association.