1. Up to 7 "Distinguished Professor" Awards for Excellence in Teaching, one for each college.
2. Up to 2 "Distinguished Professor" Awards for Innovation in Teaching, across the University.
The awards are intended to provide tangible recognition for excellent contribution toward teaching and learning, broadly defined.
Individuals may be nominated for an UGFA teaching award on the basis of excellent performance in any of the following areas of teaching:
Presentation: The citation is normally presented at the annual reception in the fall. Each recipient of an Award will be presented with a plaque and a monetary award of $500.00.
Nominations may be made by students or faculty at the University of Guelph.
Nominations must clearly indicate:
a) The name of the nominee;
b) The College and Department of the nominee;
c) The type of award (excellence in teaching or excellence in innovation);
d) Documentation to support the nominations (see below); and,
e) The name and phone number of the nominator
Any individual who, at the date of nomination, is a member of UGFA is eligible to be nominated and to receive the Award.
A member may only receive each Award once.
There are no fixed criteria or decision rules for the selection of UGFA award winners; members of the selection committee may weigh different categories of teaching and different sources of evidence as they see fit. However, a number of broad guidelines have emerged from discussions of the committee, which nominators should take account of in preparing their submissions. Specifically, preference is normally given to nominees who:
a) have been successful in several areas of teaching;
b) have the support of more than one constituency;
c) are judged to be "truly excellent" rather than merely "very good";
d) appear to have had an effect upon student learning or cognitive development rather than merely being popular with students or colleagues.
The strongest nomination package includes letters of support from more than one constituency.
To facilitate the deliberations of the Awards Committee, each nomination package should include the following:
NOTE: The Awards Committee has discretion to grant a Special Merit Teaching Award to a nominee for any of the regular teaching awards. The reasoning behind such a decision will be communicated to the nominator and at the awards reception.
If there are any questions please contact the Faculty Association Office at ext. 58538 or [email protected]