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OCUFA Election Web Page is Now Live

Good morning all,


The OCUFA election webpage is now live. You can access it at:

The page currently includes a "take action" feature, that allows you to send an email to your local candidates and the party leaders urging them to make higher education a priority.


Under the resources tab, there is a copy of the survey that we have circulated to the party leaders and a toolkit for meeting the candidates and hosting an all candidates meeting (click on the links to access the documents).





More resources, including expert analysis videos and analyses of the parties' platforms will be posted as they become available, so check back often.


We would encourage you to circulate the link to everyone in your association, and to encourage your members to send an email to their local candidates using our "take action" form.


If you have any questions about the election webpage or about OCUFA's election initiatives, don't hesitate to get in touch.



Erica Rayment
Policy Analyst - Government and Community Relations
Ontario Confederation of University Faculty Associations
17 Isabella Street  Toronto, ON  M4Y 1M7
Office: 416-979-2117 x 223 | Mobile: 416-671-3230

Faculty Association at 12:44 PM
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